Operational Technology (OT) systems are the backbone of modern industry, overseeing and managing essential processes. However, these systems are increasingly becoming targets for cybercriminals, making OT risk management crucial to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities through comprehensive risk assessment processes.
CNB provides extensive IEC 62443 compliance risk assessment services, accurately pinpointing cybersecurity risks within your OT environment. Our risk assessment services encompass:
Our assessments are “outcome-focused,” meaning that any remedial recommendations are designed to provide tangible risk reduction. This approach equips organizations with the necessary information to justify OT cybersecurity improvements and the associated costs, by understanding the “What, Why, and How?”
Moreover, our assessments adhere to industry best practices and standards/frameworks such as ISO/IEC 62443, ISO/IEC 27001, NIST, and ISF, but can also be tailored to meet your specific needs.
Conducting a cyber risk assessment provides a structured understanding of the risks present in your OT environment and the potential impact they could have on your organization, whether through malicious or non-malicious means.
The assessment process is outcome-focused, generating a “risk rating” for each worst-case threat scenario (also known as “Top-Event” or “Boom Event”). Each threat scenario is evaluated under the following conditions:
Through thorough discovery and analysis, the effectiveness of existing controls for each threat scenario is evaluated. This evaluation may reveal that current controls sufficiently reduce the risk to an acceptable level, or that the risk is acceptable and requires no additional actions. Alternatively, it may identify vulnerabilities where enhancements or additional controls are necessary to bring the risk within organizational tolerance.
The assessment also considers “risk vs. benefits vs. cost and complexity,” enabling the pragmatic prioritization of remedial efforts. This approach focuses on items that offer the most significant risk reduction both tactically (short-term mitigations, often referred to as “low-hanging fruit”) and strategically (medium to long-term mitigations requiring more effort to plan, design, and implement).
Risk Ratings are typically derived using a 5 x 5 grid format known as a “Risk Assessment Matrix” (RAM). The RAM provides a straightforward and effective way to present a comprehensive view of cyber risks to all team members and key stakeholders. “Risk Tolerance” is the level of risk or uncertainty an organization can accept and varies significantly across industries. Many organizations develop their own RAMs, tailored to their specific consequence categories and likelihood scales based on historical data.
A high-level summary of the key steps in our risk assessment process is outlined and visualized below:
01: Discover: Identify Assets
02: Discover: Identify Threats
03: Analyze: Threats & Controls
04: Analyze: Additional Controls
05: Analyze: Prioritize Risk
06: Formalize: Create Report
07: Formalize: Readback
Traditional IT security models focus on Confidentiality first, then Integrity, and finally Availability (known as the “CIA Triad”). In contrast, OT cybersecurity models prioritize Availability first, followed by Integrity, and then Confidentiality (known as the “AIC Triad”).
This prioritization is due to the critical nature of OT environments, such as manufacturing plants and upstream oil assets, which rely heavily on continuous availability and dependable integrity for both process control and safety. In some scenarios, the loss of availability or system integrity could jeopardize the safety of the workforce, consumers, physical assets, and the environment. The type and duration of availability loss can lead to significant economic, ecological, and life-threatening consequences. Notable examples of availability attacks include the 2021 Colonial Pipeline attack, the 2019 Springhill Memorial Hospital ransomware attack, and the 2015 Sandworm attacks on Ukrainian critical infrastructure.
Understanding these differences between OT and IT environments is crucial for accurately assessing risks and recommending appropriate countermeasures. This highlights the importance of conducting an OT-specific risk assessment.
As part of this service offering, CNB provides a formal report that includes:
Additionally, the following items will also be provided:
OT Cyber Security refers to the specific practices and processes used to protect the Operational Technology (OT) systems that control industrial processes from cyber threats.
OT Cyber Security is critical for ensuring the safety and reliability of industrial processes, and involves the implementation of measures such as access control, network segmentation, encryption, and intrusion detection to name but a few.
OT Risk Management involves the identification, assessment, and management of risks associated with Operational Technology (OT) systems. The goal of OT risk management is to ensure the safety and reliability of industrial processes by implementing appropriate security controls to manage the risks associated with cyber threats.
One major constraint for industrial companies towards protecting industrial systems is a misunderstanding of the difference between IT and OT security. Here’s a rather simplistic way to think about it.
IT stores, retrieves, and transmits data whereas OT uses that data to monitor, control, and operate physical devices, processes, and events. In IT, the confidentiality of data is a key concern whereas in OT the safety of equipment and availability of processes is the main concern.
IT is dynamic, that it has many moving parts and it means that IT has an incredible number of exploit variants. Hence, IT incidents are more frequent. By contrast, OT has a lower number of gateways, making it comparatively safer. OT is engineered for prescribed actions based on content which means things only happen one way. If given a certain input, OT always produces a specific output again and again.
Another difference between IT and OT security concerns security patching. Since IT components progress so fast and have relatively short life spans, IT security updates happen frequently which doesn’t work the same way in OT. In fact, patching OT components can require complete shutdowns and are rarely updated. It is true that many OT systems are “insecure by design” and would be at risk from a sophisticated attacker even after vulnerability patching.
The differences outlined above make it clear that IT and OT have different security priorities and different goals for the maintenance of their systems. 80% of organisations surveyed see the expanding interconnectedness of OT and IT as a challenge. This is a result of the digitalisation of OT which can expose industrial systems that might not be properly secured to cyber threats.
As a society, we all depend on operational technology for a wide range of critical industrial processes. The growing costs of industrial machinery and the serious devastation that an attack could deliver for the economy are crucial factors to consider for organisations that want to boost the protection of their industrial networks.
Considering the increasing cybersecurity risk exposure, OT systems have become a more lucrative target. This interest is noticeable in the growing availability of exploit kits and new monetisation opportunities such as ransomware particularly developed to hack industrial systems.
Network attack surface: it presents exposure related to ports, protocols, channels, services, network applications and firmware interfaces. Depending on the organisation’s infrastructure, cloud servers and data could also be included.
Software attack surface: its surface is comprised of the software environment and its interfaces. The software attack surface is calculated across a number of different types of code, such as applications, email services, configurations, databases, executables, web pages, mobile device OS, etc.
Human attack surface: one of the important strengths of highly secure organisations is their emphasis on delivering security awareness and safety principles to their employees, partners, supply chain and even their customers.
Assessing OT security risks will yield a number of benefits. Firstly, it will give a thorough understanding of various OT devices and their functionality. Secondly, this assessment will help the organisation discover threats to its OT environment and prioritise remediation efforts using a consequence-led approach.
Detailed below are some Risk Assessment methodologies used for OT:
NIST Risk Management Framework (RMF): The NIST RMF is a framework that provides guidelines for managing the risks associated with information security. The framework is structured into six steps that include categorizing information and information systems, selecting and implementing security controls, assessing security control effectiveness, authorising information systems, monitoring security controls, and responding to security incidents.
ISA/IEC 62443: A series of standards that provide guidelines for the security of industrial automation and control systems. The standards include a methodology for conducting a security risk assessment that involves defining the scope of the assessment, identifying the assets and threats, analyzing the risks, and implementing the appropriate security controls.
FAIR: The Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR) methodology is a quantitative risk analysis framework that provides a structured approach to identifying, analysing, and prioritising risks. The methodology involves identifying and quantifying the assets, threats, vulnerabilities, and impacts, and then calculating the risk by applying a set of standard formulas.
OCTAVE: Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation (OCTAVE) is a methodology that provides a structured approach to risk assessment and management. The methodology involves identifying the assets, threats, vulnerabilities, and impacts, and then developing a risk management plan to mitigate the identified risks.
STRIDE: STRIDE is a methodology used to identify and prioritise the security threats to a system. The methodology involves analysing the system for potential threats and then prioritising the risks based on their likelihood and impact.
The OT risk assessment methodology should be tailored to the specific requirements and risks of the organisation. The methodology should be flexible enough to incorporate the organisation’s unique requirements and should be periodically reviewed and updated to reflect changes in the threat landscape.
In addition to the above-mentioned methodologies, the use of automated risk assessment tools is becoming increasingly popular. Automated tools can help organisations to quickly identify vulnerabilities and risks and provide prioritised recommendations for remediation.
Some of the commonly used automated risk assessment tools (risk assessment technology) in the OT environment include Nozomi Networks, Claroty, Armis, Tenable Nessus and Rapid7.
OT risk assessment is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps organizations identify potential risks and vulnerabilities in their OT infrastructure, which is essential for effective risk management. Secondly, it enables organisations to prioritise their security investments based on the risks that pose the greatest threat to their OT systems. Finally, it helps organisations comply with various regulations and standards that require a comprehensive risk assessment of their OT infrastructure.
The key steps involved in conducting an OT risk assessment include:
Scoping: Defining the scope of the assessment, including the assets and systems that will be included in the assessment.
Threat identification: Identifying potential threats to the OT infrastructure, such as cyberattacks, natural disasters, and human error.
Vulnerability assessment: Assessing the vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the OT infrastructure that could be exploited by a threat.
Risk analysis: Analysing the likelihood and impact of potential risks to the OT infrastructure.
Risk evaluation: Evaluating the risks based on their likelihood and impact, and determining the appropriate risk management strategies.
Risk treatment: Developing and implementing strategies to mitigate the identified risks.
Monitoring and review: Monitoring the effectiveness of the risk management strategies and reviewing the risk assessment periodically to ensure it remains up-to-date.
Some common challenges associated with conducting an OT risk assessment include:
Limited visibility: It can be difficult to identify all OT assets and systems, especially in large and complex environments.
Lack of expertise: Conducting an OT risk assessment requires specialized expertise in both OT and IT security, which can be difficult to find within an organization.
Rapidly evolving threats: The threat landscape for OT systems is constantly evolving, making it difficult to keep up with new and emerging threats.
Limited resources: Conducting an OT risk assessment can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, which can be a challenge for organizations with limited resources.
Some best practices for conducting an OT risk assessment include:
Engaging cross-functional teams: Bringing together teams with expertise in both OT and IT security can help ensure a comprehensive risk assessment.
Using automated tools: Automated tools can help identify and track OT assets and vulnerabilities, making the risk assessment process more efficient and accurate.
Prioritising critical assets: Critical assets should be given priority in the risk assessment process, as they pose the greatest risk to the organization.
Regularly reviewing the assessment: The assessment should be reviewed periodically to ensure it remains up-to-date and reflects changes in the OT infrastructure.
Ensuring senior management support: OT risk assessment should be supported by senior management to ensure the necessary resources are allocated and the risk management strategies are effectively implemented.
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