Voice Hubbing

We offer global coverage with over 1,600 destinations to both landline and mobile terminations via bilateral routes or direct routing. Our footprint is a strong asset that complements the offer. We guarantee global delivery, 24/7 supervision and monitoring. Our hubbing solutions provide access to international voice traffic on roaming number ranges (MSRN) to all mobile destinations worldwide. In addition, we provide access to a dedicated retailer end user customer offer via corridors and dedicated regional offers.
This interconnection is implemented in IP (either public or private) and through our IPX which consists of a service hub built on a highly reliable IPX network to efficiently support mobile operators offering VoLTE. The connection base on IMS/VoLTE protocol normalization and media transcoding capabilities, which are essential to maintain the high-definition sound quality of VoLTE calls.

Voice Corridor

The Corridor offer is aimed at retailers to reach various diasporas that need to call a given country. It is a special offer at a very attractive price and uses a wholesale agreement that includes us and the destination network. For the retailer, covering the zone where the call originates, brand loyalty, customer conquest and retention are possible along with increased market share, thanks to focused marketing campaigns, leading to increased revenues. For the operator in the destination zone, the benefits are also clear: increased revenue and new customers through new subscriptions, as well as 100% of originating traffic at the best quality for end customers.

International Direct Dialing

We have IDD and Hubbing direct routes with 350+ operators worldwide that allow 1200+ destinations. These destinations are either fixed or mobile networks, providing premium quality termination.